
Showing posts from May, 2021

Andy Goldsworthy's Rivers and Tides

  Andy Goldsworthy's Rivers and Tides 90 minutes Rivers and Tides is a film about a man who goes through nature, finding materials from either a beach or a forest, manipulating them together to create interesting artworks. His art is often something that will be washed away with time as nature goes on, photographs being the only things to document these structures.  Even if one of his structures fall, he doesn't accept defeat and goes right back to building it up again. We have all at some point made something similar to his works, whether it be stacking up rocks or piling sticks into some kind of tent formation. Making things out of nature is something most of us have done as children, and it's the medium that this man uses for his artworks. 

Bryan Charnley's 17 Self Portraits

Bryan Charnley's 17 Self Portrait Series TW: Suicide  Bryan Charnley was a British artist who suffered from paranoid Schizophrenia who created surrealist artworks up until his eventual suicide. The most notable of his works that are more often spoken about are his 17 final self portraits, meant to accompany diary entries that would explain the imagery. A video about it can be found here in  The Disturbing Final Self Portraits of Bryan Charnley His very first painting was a simple self portrait, nothing too notable. It would be the beginning of an eventual decline in his mental health.  Portrait 1 Self Portrait Series 19th July 1991 "Conventional portrait painted in two sittings. Is it a good likeness? Drug dosage was two 3 mg. tablets of Depixol daily plus two 25 mg. Tryptisol. I was sleeping a lot. 11th to 16th April 1991." For this painting, there isn't too much to note. It was just a simple self portrait and a note of how much medication he had been taking at the t

Sara Garzón Guest Speaker

 Sara Garzón specializes in modern and contemporary Latin American art, specifically focusing on issues that consist of decoloniality, temporality, and ingenious ecocriticism. Alan Poma is a sound artist who has worked on site-specific projects, and Kiyo Gutiérrez is a Mexican performance artist and Historian whose work explores issues affecting society.  One of Poma's musical works,  Dancing Across Stars , is a video depicting how the Incas, Aztecs, and Maya were able to gain astronomical knowledge from the stars to predict natural phenomena without having all of the fancy technology of telescopes and other scientific equipment.  Gutiérrez work Afloat had the aim to show the notion of adaptability in terms of climate change, which is still a problem that we are facing today. The work was performed in an area in the Pacific Ocean where there is a lot of plastic floating around. After she cleaned the beach, she made a sort of costume using the plastic she had collected and used that